Louis Stone's European Vacation

Without a doubt, I probably enjoyed myself the most in Grenoble and its surrounding region.  While playing the running tourist is kinda cool for a while, it is also nice to slow down and actually enjoy being off of work.  While I was up at 8 almost every morning in London and Paris, I allowed myself to sleep in until 9 when I was in Grenoble.

Grenoble was also more enjoyable because I had a playmate while I was there.  Sooah, (pictured here on the mountain she paraglides from) a friend of mine from Chicago who relocated to this region took a couple of days to show me around.  I only had to entertain myself for one day.  With my excellent tourist French, I had little difficulty pointing to things I wanted and trying to pay too much for them on my own.

Again, tourist logic kicks in, and you naturally focus on the highest point in town.  This would be the Bastille. An old fortress, it has become THE tourist attraction in Grenoble.  I eagerly paid my round-trip ticket for the Telepherique (because I couldn't understand the guy in the booth to tell him I only needed a one-way ride) and worked my way up the mountainside.  Your ride up to the fortress is basically like sitting inside a little bubble.  I am reminded of a trip to St. Louis as a child when one of my brothers broke wind inside a similar little bubble on the way up the St. Louis Arch.

I discovered in my explorations of the Bastille that the youth of Grenoble go there for a good time (if you catch my drift). What you can't see in this picture is the assortment of condom wrappers, etc. that litter the ground of the love nest.

The Bastille
Bastille - 1
Bastille - 2
Bastille - 3
Bastille - 4
Bastille - 5
Bastille - 6
Bastille - 7
Bastille - 8
Bastille - 9
Bastille - 10
Me at the Bastille

On the walk down from the Bastille (it has a couple of jogging trails although I chose to walk) you will encounter the Musee Dauphinois (20FF) which house a ski museum.  It has a bunch of rotating exhibits as well (don't worry... disposable cameras proved their worth again). One picture survived.