My Two Cents

(Chicago, IL) -- Those who have known me for any amount of time are aware of political views, social views, and my firm belief that economics is nothing more than intellectual masturbation for wannabee accountants. However, after consultation with a person who actually got their Doctorate in Economics and several beers, I have stumbled upon something that is quite disturbing.

In the wake of scandal at every level of govenment, the Yo-Yo Dow Jones Industrial Average, and the continued fall of the Brazilian Real, the single greatest problem of the United States lies just to the north of her borders. I speak, of course, of Canada.

The Canadian government has quietly been supporting economic and environmental terrorism against the U.S. Permit me to explain before you write me off as yet another crackpot.

Economic Terrorism I: It is no coincodence that Canadian coins are the same size and color as their U.S. counterparts. The Canadian Dollar (coincodence?) is currently worth approximately 64 cents American. Candian citizens cross our borders and use their undervalued currency in our vending machines and gas stations to purchase everything from washer time to Coca Cola (TM). Therefore, they pay the equivalent of $0.32 (50 cents * 64%) for a can of soda, or $1.12 for a load of laundry which you and I are expected to pay $1.75. As a further insult, we are unable to deposit these coins in our local bank. This ensures that this crappy currency can never leave the U.S. unless we take it back to Canada and shove it up Mr. Chretien's *ss personally! Gas stations and laundromats regularly raise their prices to offset their Canadian currency losses and, of course, pass off this funny money to the unsuspecting consumer.

Econmoic Terrorism II: Why is it that Canada, our largest trading partner continues to gouge the American tourist? I speak, of course, of the outrageous prices charged near Canadian tourist traps for Cuban cigars. How can one justify charging $40US for a single cigar that costs Castro 50 cents to produce? The answer: They want those US Dollars! They take the US currency American tourists leave behind and buy Croissants from the French! In this way, they can keep a hefty supply of Candian money to continue to flood the American marketplace.

Environmental Terrorrism: Canadian Geese! These filthy animals seem to enjoy cr*pping on Hondas. And we can't run them over or shoot them! Somehow these things have received protected status from the U.S. Department of Fish and Wildlife. This was probably part of NAFTA - which is basically an agreement between the U.S. and Canada to keep our Northern neighbors from minting Susan B. Anthony lookalikes and thus paralyzing the U.S. Postal Service! Of course, what the White House Press Office didn't tell you about about this alleged "Trade Agreement" is the terrible price paid by those postal workers who have slipped in goose turds in my apartment complex parking lot!

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