My Two Cents

(Chicago, IL) -- The state of South Carolina has drawn the ire of the NAACP and several other groups for its continued insistence on flying the Confederate Flag on its state house.  Tourism is down as many corporations who normally schedule conventions and meetings in this winter-warm state are canceling because they don't want to be associated with the problem.  The NAACP argues that the flag is a symbol of slavery and black oppression.

I will take this a step further.  I believe that the flying of the Confederate Flag is an ACT OF WAR against the United States.  That flag is not a symbol of slavery as the NAACP suggests.  It is an act of rebellion.  It celebrates the belief system that caused the bloodiest war in our Nation's history.

There are those who will argue that flying the Confederate Flag is protected under the first amendment of the US Constitution.  I believe these people to be ignorant.  In this era where free speech is being curtailed at every point and where the Supreme Court is our primary legislative body, I see no problem at all with restricting one more bit of alleged free speech.  Besides, I believe this flying of an enemy flag an attempt by the state of South Carolina to incite Treason against the United States of America.

The United States government should take swift and hard action against this rebel state.  The borders should be closed and its assets frozen as we would any enemy country (i.e. Iraq). Sanctions should be put into place not just until the flag is removed from the state house, but until this treasonous state outlaws the flying of that symbol of hatred within its borders.

There has been much debate over the past few years about an amendment to the Constitution banning flag burning.  Perhaps while they are taking that step they should tack on a ban of this banner as well.

(c) 2000 Louis H. Stone, CPA.  All Rights Reserved.
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