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Comments on: What to Expect When She’s Expecting.. http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=7 A dissection of the issues affecting us all and what Candidate Stone intends to do about them. Fri, 10 May 2024 09:44:28 +0000 http://wordpress.org/?v=2.0.3 by: Pamela J. Betz-Baron http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=7#comment-2 Wed, 19 Jul 2006 13:09:53 +0000 http://www.louisstone.com/wordpress/?p=7#comment-2 First of all, "Hi, Lou!" How come none of us see you, talk to you, etc.? The WTE books *are* pretty awful. However, there are plenty of good books out there that don't treat pregnancy/labor as diseases/disasters waiting to happen. (Now we just have to encourage OB's to do the same. The c-section rate is so high, one might wonder how the human race survived for thousands of years without the possibility of that surgery.) Check out those by William Sears, M.D., and Martha Sears, R.N. They give a more normal portrayal of these normal,natural expreiences in life. A list of things that can go wrong at each stage just encourages moms-and-dads-to-be to freak out. Also take a look at www.mothering.com. They have tons of articles and a discussion board. So, when/if parenthood starts looking like something you'd like to get into, check them out. First of all, “Hi, Lou!” How come none of us see you, talk to you, etc.?

The WTE books *are* pretty awful. However, there are plenty of good books out there that don’t treat pregnancy/labor as diseases/disasters waiting to happen. (Now we just have to encourage OB’s to do the same. The c-section rate is so high, one might wonder how the human race survived for thousands of years without the possibility of that surgery.) Check out those by William Sears, M.D., and Martha Sears, R.N. They give a more normal portrayal of these normal,natural expreiences in life. A list of things that can go wrong at each stage just encourages moms-and-dads-to-be to freak out. Also take a look at www.mothering.com. They have tons of articles and a discussion board. So, when/if parenthood starts looking like something you’d like to get into, check them out.
