BRAZIL II: Agora e Louis

First, I must confess that I have been pretty lazy about updating this site. I was in Brazil a year ago!  How hard is it to throw some stupid web pages together and let you see my pictures anyway?

Having gotten all that off my chest, I will annonuce the winner of the photo caption contest. First, a little background on this one though. This picture was taken at the birthday party for Cecilia's nephew, Andre (the spec in the middle of the photo).

Having seen nearly everything there was to see in Rio de Janeiro on my last trip, I insisted that we take a trip-within-a-trip and go to Sao Paolo. Those of you who remember Lou's first rule of travel (stay only where it's free) will not be suprised when I say that we went to Brasilia instead to stay with Cecilia's sister, Claudia & her family.  Of course, I am just kidding, I practically BEGGED to go to Brasilia when I found out that it wasn't as hot & humid as Rio.

So anyway, while we were there we attended Andre's birthday party which was held at some sort of ranch-like fun place. I'll go into more detail later.

"Looking for love in all the wrong places." - Anonymous
The person who submitted the entry begged not to be identified because he/she is held in high esteem by his/her peers and does not wish to appear in a search engine someday associated with this picture or topic in any form.


(c) 2003 Louis H. Stone, CPA -- All rights reserved.